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Our Respectful Clients | Clients List & Data July24 Season | Pocket Money

আমাদের কাজগুলো আমরা বিভিন্ন বায়ারের থেকে সংগ্রহ করে আপনাদের কাছে পৌছায়। একইভাবে আপনাদের করা কাজগুলো তাদের কাছে জমা দিয়ে, তাদের থেকে পেমেন্ট নিয়ে একটা কমিশন রেখে আপনাদের কাছে সেই অর্থ পেমেন্টের মাধ্যমে দিয়ে দেওয়া হয়। আমাদের বেশিভাগ বায়ার গুলো মাসিক পেমেন্ট করে অর্থাৎ মাসে যেকোনো একটা তারিখের মদ্ধ্যে পেমেন্ট করে। অন্যদিকে কিছু বায়ার সাপ্তাহিক পেমেন্ট করে তাদের রিপোর্ট গুলো জমিয়ে সেগুলো আবার আমরা মাসিক পেমেন্ট করি। এখন পর্যন্ত আমরা সিজন অনুযায়ী পেমেন্ট করি। প্রতি সিজনের একটা অভন্ত্যরিন তারিখ থাকে সেটার উপর ডিপেন্ট করে প্রতি মাসের ৫-৭তারিখের মধ্যে পেমেন্ট করা হয়।

🧩 Season July 2024: এই সিজনের মেইলের ফাইল শুরু হয়েছে ১ জুলাই ২০২৪ এবং শেষ হয়েছে ৩১ জুলাই ২০২৪। রিভিও লাইভ/শো রিপোর্ট করা হয়েছে ১৭ জুন ২০২৪ থেকে ২৬ জুলাই ২০২৪ মধ্যবর্তী সময়ে।

🧩 Respectful Payment-able Clients:

  1. James (J)
  2. Shehzad (All Work)
  3. Joey
  4. Owen
  5. Kafir (K)
  6. David (D)
  7. Zet (Z)
  8. Alpheretta
  9. Meir
  10. Indian
  11. Max Group
  12. Moses
  13. Alkobi
  14. Choose Life (C)
  15. Michel (M)
  16. Bar (B)
  17. Moti
  18. NFT Bad
  19. Adir

🧩 Report July 2024 (Data):

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🧩 Sheets Missing: আমাদের সকল রিপোর্ট বায়ারের উপর ভিত্তিতে করা হয়। তাই কোন শীটে কাজ করা হয়েছে সেটা খুজে পাবেন না। যেমনঃ Unlimited Zone, Touch ইত্যাদি শীট গুলো কোনো বায়ারের অধীনে চলে না তাই এগুলোতে অনেক বায়ারের কাজ থাকে। আর রিপোর্টের সময় সকল বায়ারের অধীনে রিপোর্ট করা হয়। এই শীটের কাজ গুলো আপনারা বায়ারের ফাইল গুলোই পেয়ে যাবেন।

🧩Rate: গত মাসের মতই রেট থাকছে।

🧩Payment: প্রতিবারের মতই এবারো বিকাশ, নগদ, রকেট, ডাচ বাংলা ব্যাংকে পেমেন্ট করা হবে। এছাড়া রেগুলার সেন্ড হিসেবে ইসলামি ব্যাংকে পেমেন্ট করা হবে।

🧩Payment Request: প্রতিবারের মতই পেমেন্ট রিকোয়েষ্টের মাধ্যমে পেমেন্ট করা হবে। পেমেন্ট রিকোয়েষ্ট না করে থাকলে এখনি করুনঃ Payment Request Form July 2024 Season | Pocket Money Server

আমাদের সাথে কাজ করার জন্য অসংখ ধন্যবাদ।

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🔉LISTEN AUDIO (অডিও শুনলে পোষ্ট পড়তে হবে না।)

কাজের সুবিধার্থে আপনাদের যে সকল জিমেইল দেওয়া হয়েছে, সেগুলো আপনারা পুনরায় ব্যবহার করতে পারবেন। কোন মেইল কখন ব্যবহার করতে পারবেন তা আপনাদের এডমিন প্যানেল বলে দিবে। কিন্তু কিভাবে ব্যবহার করলে ভালো হবে তার একটা ধারণা আপনাদের দিয়ে দিচ্ছি।

রেগুলার মেইলঃ আপনাদের অনেক ধরণের জিমেইল দেওয়া হয়ে থাকে। এর মধ্যে সিজন অনুযায়ী যে সকল জিমেইল আপনাদের কাছে দেওয়া হয় সেগুলো হচ্ছে রেগুলা। অর্থাৎ আপনি যদি আগষ্ট মাসের সিজনে কাজ করে থাকেন তবে আগষ্টের মেইল গুলো হবে রেগুলা। আর বাকি সব ইররেগুলার। যদি পরের সিজনের কাজ শুরু হয় তবে, আগষ্ট ইররেগুলার হয়ে যাবে আর সেপ্টেম্বরের ট্যাব/ফাইল রেগুলার হিসেবে থাকবে।

⚡জিমেইল স্লিপিংঃ আমরা জানি একটা জিমেইল দিয়ে কাজ করে সেটি পুনরায় ব্যবহার করতে কিছুদিন অপেক্ষা করতে হয়। সেই অপেক্ষাকৃত সময়টা জিমেইলের জন্য স্লিপিং পিরিয়ড।

ব্যবহার করার উপদেশঃ আপনারা এমন ভাবে জিমেইলের ফাইল/ট্যাব গুলো ব্যবহার করবেন যেন সেগুলো ধারাবাহিক হয়। অর্থাৎ আজ থেকে ১৫দিন একটা ফাইল ব্যবহার করলে জিমেইলের স্লিপিং পিরিয়ড শেষে কিন্তু আবার ধারাবাহিকভাবে ব্যবহারের সুযোগ পাবেন। আপনাকে আর নোটস করতে হবে না কোন মেইল কখন ব্যবহার করছেন। যেমনঃ 12irregular সব মেইল টানা কয়েকদিন ব্যবহার করে IPv1 এর পর IPv2 ইত্যাদি ব্যবহার করে যাবেন। জিমেইলের স্লিপিং পিরিয়ড শেষে পুনরায় ফাইল গুলো আবার কাজের জন্য প্রস্তুত হবে। আবার ধারাবাহিক কাজের সুযোগ পাবেন।

নির্দেশ মেনে চলাঃ যখন কোনো জিমেইল পুনরায় ব্যবহারের নির্দেশ দেওয়া হবে সেই সাথে আপনাকে বলা হবে জিমেইলের কিছু পরিবর্তন করতে হবে কিনা। যদি পরিবর্তন করতে হয় তবে সেটি করে নিবেন। আর যদি পরিবর্তন না করতে বলা হয় তবে পরিবর্তন করার প্রয়োজন নেই। কেবল আইডি নেম যদি এলোমেলো থাকে তবে সেটি অবশ্যই ঠিক করে নিতে হবে। সাথে জিমেইলের নামের সাথে শিটের নামের মিল রাখতে হবে। জিমেইলের নাম পরিবর্তন করার প্রয়োজন হলে শিটে জিমেইলের নাম আপডেট করে দিবেন।

কম্পানির নাম খেয়াল রাখাঃ আমরা জানি একই কম্পানিতে এক মেইল দিয়ে দুটি পোষ্ট করলে সেটা লাইভ হবে না। তাই জিমেইল দিয়ে কোন কোন বিজনেসে রিভিও করা হয়েছে সেটির উপর নজর রেখে কাজ করতে হবে। যদি কোনো মেইল দিয়ে ১৫ কিংবা তার অধিক কাজ করা হয় তবুও কোনো সমস্যা নেই। কিন্তু একই কম্পানিতে যেন দুইবার পোষ্ট না হয় খেয়াল রেখে কাজ করতে হবে। অন্যদিকে আপনি যে জিমেইলে, যে কম্পানিতে কাজ করবেন সেটিও লিখে দিবেন। জিমেইলের পাশে কম্পানির নাম লেখা বাধ্যতামূলক এবং অনেক জরুরী।

জিমেইল নষ্ট বের হলেঃ যেহেতু জিমেইল প্রতি মাসেই কিছু কিছু করে নষ্ট বের হয় তাই জিমেইল নষ্ট বের হবে এটাই স্বাভাবিক। জিমেইল নষ্ট হলে সেটি রেড কালার করে দিবেন। পাশে কি সমস্যা সেটি লিখবেন।

আপনাদের সুবিধার জন্য আমরা আমাদের সর্বচ্চটা দিয়ে যাচ্ছি। ধন্যবাদ।

The Freelancer’s Handbook: Mastering the Top 16 Lucrative Categories

Introduction to Freelancing Categories

Freelancing has revolutionized the traditional work landscape, providing a platform for individuals to offer their skills and services remotely. From creative to technical, there are numerous categories within the freelancing marketplace. These categories not only cater to the demands of businesses but also offer freelancers the flexibility to choose their preferred field of work.

Popular Categories in Freelancing

1. Graphic Design and Multimedia

  • Description: This category covers a broad spectrum, including logo design, illustration, animation, video editing, and more. Graphic designers and multimedia experts create visually appealing content for brands, marketing campaigns, websites, and social media platforms.
  • Why It’s Bright: With the digital landscape expanding, the need for eye-catching visuals has surged, making this category one of the most sought-after.

2. Writing and Content Creation

  • Description: Content writers, copywriters, bloggers, and editors fall into this category. They generate engaging and informative content for websites, blogs, marketing materials, and various publications.
  • Why It’s Bright: Quality content is the backbone of online marketing. Businesses are continuously seeking skilled writers to create compelling narratives and communicate effectively with their audiences.

3. Programming and Web Development

  • Description: This category includes web developers, software engineers, app developers, and programmers proficient in various coding languages. They build websites, applications, and software solutions.
  • Why It’s Bright: With the tech industry constantly evolving, the demand for skilled developers remains high, especially as businesses aim to establish or enhance their online presence.

4. Digital Marketing

  • Description: Digital marketers specialize in SEO (Search Engine Optimization), social media marketing, PPC (Pay-Per-Click) advertising, email marketing, and content marketing strategies.
  • Why It’s Bright: In a digitally-driven world, businesses rely on effective marketing strategies to reach their target audience, creating a growing demand for digital marketing experts.

5. Video and Audio Production

  • Description: This category encompasses video production, animation, voice-over services, podcast creation, and audio editing.
  • Why It’s Bright: Video and audio content have become pivotal in engaging audiences. Businesses and content creators require professionals skilled in producing high-quality visual and auditory content.

6. Virtual Assistance and Administrative Support

  • Description: Virtual assistants offer administrative and operational support remotely. They manage schedules, emails, customer service, data entry, and more.
  • Why It’s Bright: As businesses embrace remote work, the demand for virtual assistants to handle various tasks has significantly increased.

7. Translation and Language Services

  • Description: Translators and language specialists offer services in translating documents, content, and communications between different languages.
  • Why It’s Important: With globalization, businesses seek language professionals to bridge communication gaps and cater to diverse audiences.

8. Consulting and Business Services

  • Description: Consultants provide expertise in various fields, including business strategy, finance, HR, marketing, and more.
  • Why It’s Vital: Businesses often require specialized advice and strategies, making consulting a valuable category in the freelancing world.

9. Data Entry and Virtual Admin Support

  • Description: Data entry specialists handle inputting and managing data, while virtual admin support covers a wide range of administrative tasks.
  • Why It’s Essential: Many businesses require assistance in managing data and administrative duties, creating a consistent demand for these services.

10. Illustration and Art

  • Description: Illustrators, painters, and artists offer their creative services for book illustrations, character designs, concept art, and more.
  • Why It’s Unique: Visual storytelling and artistry are in demand across various industries, from publishing to gaming and marketing.

11. Photography and Videography

  • Description: Photographers and videographers capture moments, events, products, and promotional content.
  • Why It’s Relevant: Visual content is integral to marketing and branding, leading to a continuous need for skilled photographers and videographers.

12. Music and Audio Production

  • Description: Musicians, composers, sound engineers, and audio producers create music, soundtracks, jingles, and audio effects.
  • Why It’s Valuable: Quality audio content is essential for advertisements, movies, games, and various multimedia projects.

13. Legal and Paralegal Services

  • Description: Legal professionals and paralegals offer services ranging from contract drafting and legal research to intellectual property consulting.
  • Why It’s Crucial: Businesses and individuals often require legal expertise and advice, making legal services a fundamental category in freelancing.

14. Healthcare and Wellness Services

  • Description: Health coaches, nutritionists, therapists, and fitness trainers offer their expertise in promoting physical and mental well-being.
  • Why It’s Growing: The focus on health and wellness has increased, leading to a rise in demand for professionals in this field.

15. Gaming and Game Development

  • Description: Game developers, designers, testers, and artists create and enhance video games for various platforms.
  • Why It’s Thriving: The gaming industry continues to expand, creating opportunities for freelancers to contribute their skills to game development projects.

16. Architecture and Interior Design

  • Description: Architects, interior designers, and drafters provide design and planning services for buildings, homes, and interiors.
  • Why It’s Significant: Design plays a crucial role in construction and aesthetics, driving the need for skilled professionals in this field.

Emerging Categories in Freelancing

1. NFT and Blockchain Services

  • Description: With the rise of NFTs (Non-Fungible Tokens) and blockchain technology, there’s a growing demand for experts in this field, including blockchain developers, NFT artists, and consultants.
  • Why It’s Emerging: The potential of blockchain technology and NFTs in various industries is gaining attention, leading to a surge in demand for related services.

2. E-commerce and Dropshipping

  • Description: Freelancers in this category specialize in setting up e-commerce stores, managing product listings, digital marketing for e-commerce, and dropshipping services.
  • Why It’s Emerging: The growth of online shopping has created opportunities for freelancers to assist businesses in establishing and growing their e-commerce presence.

3. Sustainability Consulting

  • Description: Sustainability consultants advise businesses on eco-friendly practices, renewable energy, waste reduction, and green initiatives.
  • Why It’s Emerging: With increasing awareness of environmental issues, businesses are seeking guidance on adopting sustainable practices, creating a niche for sustainability consultants.

Freelancing categories are as diverse as the skills and expertise individuals possess. These categories not only showcase the breadth of opportunities available but also highlight the evolving demands of businesses and industries. Whether it’s creative arts, technical expertise, professional services, or niche specialties, the freelancing marketplace continues to thrive and adapt to the ever-changing needs of clients and businesses globally.

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Digital Alchemy: Unveiling the Expertise of Sumon Mia in Crafting Websites and Amplifying Brands

Building a Strong Online Presence: How Sumon Mia, a Remote Worker, Helps Create Successful Websites

In today’s digital age, having a strong online presence is crucial for businesses and individuals alike. From establishing credibility to reaching a wider audience, a well-designed website coupled with effective SEO strategies can make all the difference. Enter Sumon Mia, a 22-year-old digital marketing specialist who has carved a niche for himself in the realm of website development, SEO optimization, and online marketing.

Sumon Mia

Sumon Mia, at the young age of 22, stands as a testament to the power of passion and dedication in the digital world. With a wealth of experience spanning 8 years in the industry, his expertise extends from crafting visually appealing websites to optimizing them for search engines and devising strategic marketing campaigns.

Meet Sumon Mia

Google Knowledge Panel

As a digital marketing specialist, Sumon has honed his skills in various aspects crucial for a successful online presence. His portfolio boasts an array of successful projects where he has assisted businesses and individuals in not just building websites but in crafting an impactful online identity.

Building Websites: A Master Craft

Sumon’s journey began as an enthusiast fascinated by the potential of the internet. Over the years, his passion turned into a profession as he delved deeper into website development. He doesn’t just create websites; he crafts digital experiences that resonate with the audience.

From the inception of an idea to the final launch, Sumon works closely with his clients to understand their vision and requirements. He doesn’t believe in a one-size-fits-all approach but instead tailors each website to suit the unique identity and goals of the individual or business.

SEO Mastery for Visibility and Reach

A website, no matter how aesthetically pleasing, remains ineffective without visibility. This is where Sumon’s expertise in Search Engine Optimization (SEO) comes into play. He ensures that the websites he builds not only look great but also rank high on search engine results.

Sumon meticulously optimizes websites by implementing SEO best practices, including keyword research, content optimization, meta tags, and backlink strategies. His approach is holistic, aiming not just for high rankings but also for sustainable, organic growth.

Domain Acquisition, Hosting, and Beyond

Sumon’s assistance doesn’t stop at website development and SEO. He guides his clients through the technicalities of domain acquisition and hosting. With his expertise, he ensures that the foundation of a website – its domain and hosting – is secure, reliable, and aligned with the goals of the project.

Additionally, Sumon offers continuous support and maintenance services, ensuring that websites remain up-to-date and responsive to changes in the digital landscape.

Marketing Strategies that Drive Results

A great website is futile if it doesn’t reach its intended audience. Sumon understands this well and excels in crafting effective marketing strategies. Leveraging his proficiency in online advertising platforms, he devises campaigns that resonate with the target audience, driving traffic and conversions.

Whether it’s running Google Ads, social media campaigns, or employing other digital marketing techniques, Sumon ensures that his clients get the exposure they need to thrive in the competitive online space.

Verified Credibility and Contact Information

Sumon’s dedication and expertise have earned him recognition in the digital sphere. His Google Knowledge Panel serves as a validation of his credibility, showcasing his real identity and expertise in the field. Visit Sumon Mia on Google.

For those seeking his guidance, Sumon provides various contact options. Whether it’s a call, a message on WhatsApp, or reaching out via email or social media, his accessibility ensures that clients can easily connect with him for assistance.

Sumon Mia’s Digital Footprint

To know more about Sumon Mia and explore his portfolio, visit his website www.miasumon.com. You can also connect with him on Facebook at fb.com/absumon93 or reach out via email at absumon93@gmail.com.

In conclusion, Sumon Mia stands as a beacon for individuals and businesses looking to establish a robust online presence. His expertise in website development, SEO optimization, and digital marketing has helped numerous clients achieve their online goals. With a passion for excellence and a dedication to delivering results, Sumon continues to be a driving force in the ever-evolving digital landscape.

Mastering the Digital Realm: The Journey of Sumon Mia, Crafting Websites and Elevating Brands

Creating a successful website in today’s digital landscape is akin to building a home—it requires meticulous planning, skillful execution, and a guiding hand to bring it all together. Meet Sumon Mia, a 22-year-old digital marketing specialist with a knack for crafting compelling online spaces. With eight years of experience under his belt, Sumon is a maestro in web development, SEO optimization, and digital marketing strategies. Let’s delve into the world of Sumon Mia, exploring his journey and the invaluable insights he offers to aspiring website creators.

The Genesis of Expertise

Sumon’s passion for the digital realm ignited at a tender age. He found himself captivated by the intricacies of website design, the art of SEO, and the science behind effective online marketing. What began as a curiosity quickly transformed into a passion, leading Sumon to dedicate himself to mastering the craft.

Crafting a Digital Empire

Sumon’s expertise isn’t merely theoretical; it’s a testament to his practical experience. From the inception of an idea to the final launch, Sumon aids individuals and businesses alike in materializing their online dreams. His proficiency in procuring domains, selecting suitable hosting, and crafting visually stunning websites places him as a guiding beacon in the digital space.

SEO Sorcery

Search Engine Optimization (SEO) stands as the cornerstone of digital visibility, and Sumon wields it adeptly. His strategies aren’t just about ranking higher on search engines; they’re about ensuring that a website resonates with its intended audience. Through meticulous keyword research, content optimization, and technical SEO, Sumon ensures his clients’ websites don’t merely exist but thrive in the vast digital landscape.

Marketing Mastery

A website’s launch is just the beginning. Sumon comprehends the importance of ongoing marketing efforts. He orchestrates targeted ad campaigns, leveraging platforms to amplify brand visibility and drive meaningful traffic. His data-driven approach ensures that every dollar spent on advertising yields substantial returns, ultimately propelling businesses toward success.

The Power of Experience

Eight years in the digital marketing realm isn’t merely a duration; it’s an invaluable treasure trove of lessons. Sumon’s journey is studded with experiences that have honed his skills, allowing him to navigate the ever-evolving digital sphere with finesse. His success stories stand as a testament to his dedication, expertise, and unwavering commitment to his clients’ triumphs.

Connecting with Sumon Mia

For those seeking guidance in the digital arena, Sumon Mia is a beacon of knowledge and expertise. You can find him at www.miasumon.com, where his portfolio showcases a plethora of successful projects and client testimonials. Additionally, you can connect with him on Facebook at fb.com/absumon93 or drop him an email at absumon93@gmail.com. For direct inquiries or consultations, feel free to reach out via call or WhatsApp at +8801960532052.


Sumon Mia stands as a testament to the power of dedication, passion, and expertise in the digital realm. His journey from a young enthusiast to an accomplished digital marketing specialist is inspiring, serving as a guiding light for aspiring website creators and entrepreneurs venturing into the online space. With Sumon’s expertise, navigating the complex world of website development, SEO optimization, and digital marketing becomes an exciting journey rather than a daunting task.

In the ever-evolving digital landscape, having a guiding hand like Sumon Mia can make all the difference in building a successful online presence. His expertise isn’t just about creating websites; it’s about crafting digital experiences that resonate, engage, and thrive in a world where digital footprints matter more than ever.

Unveiling the Expertise of Sumon Mia: Your Digital Marketing Maestro

Sumon Mia

Sumon Mia

In the expansive realm of digital marketing, finding a guiding light amidst the complexities of website development, SEO optimization, domain procurement, and hosting can be akin to finding a needle in a haystack. Yet, in the bustling world of freelancers, Sumon Mia emerges as a beacon of proficiency, armed with an impressive eight years of experience in navigating these digital landscapes.

At a mere 22 years of age, Sumon Mia stands tall as a digital marketing specialist, adept at crafting websites that are not just aesthetically pleasing but also strategically optimized for maximum online visibility. His forte lies not just in the creation of these digital domains but also in steering them towards success through Search Engine Optimization (SEO).

But what sets Sumon Mia apart from the sea of freelancers is not just his skill set; it’s his unwavering commitment to guiding clients through the maze of online presence establishment. Whether it’s procuring domains, navigating the intricacies of hosting, or delving deep into the labyrinth of SEO tactics, Sumon Mia serves as a trusted advisor, ensuring that his clients are not just satisfied but empowered with the knowledge to thrive in the digital sphere.

A testament to his credibility is the coveted Google Knowledge Panel, a verification that solidifies Sumon Mia’s expertise. With a quick visit to his verified profile Sumon Mia , one can glean the authenticity and proficiency he brings to the table.

For those seeking his guidance, Sumon Mia’s website www.miasumon.com serves as a gateway to a world of digital possibilities. Moreover, his active presence on Facebook Sumon Mia and his online business venture, Mini Shop , further exemplify his commitment to harnessing the potential of the digital realm.

What truly sets Sumon Mia apart is his approachability. Contacting him is as simple as reaching out through a call or WhatsApp at +8801960532052, or dropping a message at absumon93@gmail.com. His dedication to offering personalized assistance is evident in every interaction, ensuring that clients are not just satisfied but enlightened about their digital journey.

Sumon Mia represents the epitome of a modern-day digital savant, blending technical prowess with a genuine desire to empower businesses in their online endeavors. For those seeking a guiding hand through the digital labyrinth, Sumon Mia stands poised, ready to illuminate the path to success.

Sumon’s Team Official Panel 26 August 2023

**Breaking News: Sumon’s Team – A Dynamic Freelancing Group Redefining Success**

In a remarkable display of entrepreneurial spirit and collaboration, Sumon’s Team, a freelancing group, has been making waves in the industry since its inception in 2016. Founded by the visionary Sumon Mia, this dynamic group has achieved unprecedented success, boasting a monthly income of 200k BDT and a growing membership of over 60 talented individuals.

Sumon’s Team has garnered attention for its exceptional administration, spearheaded by a dedicated group of professionals. Let’s meet the brilliant minds behind the scenes:

1. Ab Siddik – Mail Provider (Working From 2022): With a wealth of experience and expertise in managing mail communications, Ab Siddik ensures seamless and efficient correspondence within the group. His commitment to prompt and effective communication has been instrumental in maintaining strong relationships with clients and team members alike.

2. MD Shohag – Check and Report Provider (Working From 2022): MD Shohag’s meticulous approach to quality control and reporting has played a pivotal role in upholding the group’s high standards. His keen eye for detail and dedication to accuracy have earned him a reputation for delivering exceptional results.

3. Rafsan Ahmed Emon – Content Creator, Check and Report Provider (Working From 2022): Rafsan Ahmed Emon’s multifaceted role as a content creator and check and report provider has been instrumental in driving the group’s creative output. His innovative ideas and commitment to excellence have contributed to the group’s continued success.

4. MH Mahabur – Mail Provider (Working From 2022): MH Mahabur’s expertise in managing mail communications has been invaluable to the smooth operation of Sumon’s Team. His efficient handling of correspondence ensures that all messages are promptly addressed, fostering effective communication within the group.

5. Shuvon – Check and Report Provider (Working From 2023): Shuvon’s recent addition to the team as a check and report provider has already made a significant impact. His meticulous approach to quality assurance and reporting guarantees that all projects meet the highest standards, further enhancing the group’s reputation for excellence.

Under the visionary leadership of Sumon Mia and the unwavering dedication of its talented members, Sumon’s Team continues to redefine the boundaries of success in the freelancing industry. With their combined efforts, the group is poised to achieve even greater milestones in the years to come.

Stay tuned for more updates on Sumon’s Team as they continue to make waves and inspire others in the world of freelancing!